Thursday, January 30, 2014

Marriage customs

Marriage customs


Gounders marry outside their Kootam(Gotram) and are reknown for their elaborate threeday-marriage extravagenzas.They give and take very high dowries(upto 5 crores).Their marriage rituals follow the Kshatriya pattern and necessarily involve service castes participation.
Kongu Vellalar Marriage
Kongu Vellala Gounders-Ceremonial Rites in Marriages
Who perform rites?
Naavidhan (Barber)
Vannaan (Washer man)
Potter (Vetkovar)
Paraiyars (Men from paraiya caste)
Maadhaari (shoemaker)
Porutham paarthal (Examination of the agreement of horoscopes)
Sagunam paarthal (Being guided by omens)
Mutual visit to the houses of bride and bridegroom
Betrothal (Nichayadhaartham or nichaya thaamboolam)
Invitation for marriage
Kongu Vellalar Marriage

Kongu Vellalar Marriage

Rituals and customs

Kongu Nadu is an ancient one. From the very beginning, Kongu Nadu was part of Tamil Nadu. Kongu means honey; Kongu means fragrance of a flower. Since the country (Nadu) was full of flowers and abundant honey in mountain areas, the country was called by the name ‘Kongu Nadu'. The Kongu Vellalar are sons of the soil. They live in one third land area of Kongu Nadu. Even though all the people who take to agriculture are called Vellalar, the word ‘Kongu Vellalar' refers to only Kongu Vellalar gounders.
Kongu Vellalar Marriage
The Vellalar were of great assistance to the king by being in various positions and ranks in the army. They also got the title 'Kamindan' from the king for their meritorious service and loyalty. Later the title got modified as ‘Gounden'. To streamline the living together of the boy and the girl, certain regulations and procedures were created. The procedures and habits as per certain regulations later became ‘rites'. The performance of all the rites collectively in a sequence is called marriage.
Kongu Vellala Gounders-Ceremonial Rites in Marriages
The various rites being performed nowadays in the marriage ceremony of Kongu Vellalar community are unique in nature. Each and every rite is performed for some specific reason. The original rites performed centuries ago in Kongu Vellalar marriage ceremony which resembled ‘Sanagam’ age rites have undergone minor changes and modifications from technology and consequent changes in customs, habits and facilities. Some rites have ceased to exist because of their having become obsolete.
The rites which are being performed nowadays in Kongu Vellalar marriage ceremony reflect the superior character, rich culture and high tradition of Kongu Vellalar community.
Who perform rites?
All the ceremonial rites relating to Kongu Vellalar marriage are performed by ‘arumaikaarar’ ,arumaikaari, naavidhan (barbar), washer man (vannaan) and such others who are closely associated with the occupation of Kongu Vellala Gounders.
An ‘arumaikaarar’, who is a respected elderly member of the community, is the prime person for performing the marriage rites of Kongu Vellalar. The arumaikaarar is also used to be called ‘arumaiperiyavar’, 'seerkaarar’ and ‘pudavaikaarar’. The aruamikaarar should have wife and child/children.
On the specified day, the three arumaikaarars, after planting the ‘Muhurthakaal’, will go to an anthill of white ants, offer prayer, gather sacred earth in three baskets and bring the same to the wedding place
A women gets the name arumaikaari after the performance of certain rites on her by an arumaikaarar at the time when her son or daughter has attained age for marriage. The rite relating to this is called ‘Ezhudhingam’, as mentioned by Thiru R.Venketeswaran in his research paper titled ‘Vennandhur Vattaara Kongu Vellalar Vaazhviyal’. The arumaikaari ( the women who has undergone the process of ezhudhingam) along with the arumaikaarar will perform all the rites relating to women.
The rites being performed on men or women who wish to become arumaikaarar or arumaikaari respectively clearly point out that only those who are respected elders, who are well experienced and who are having spouse and child/children, are qualified to perform the rites of a marriage ceremony.
Brahman(Kulaguru) The role of the Kulaguru is compulsory.The initiation of the marriage starts with the matching of the Jatakam of the pair.The Brahmin's recital of vedas is compulsory.This is said by Kambar in his Mangala Valthu.
Naavidhan (Barber)
Next to arumaikaarar, the naavidhan (barbar) plays an important role in conducting the rites of the marriage ceremony of Kongu Vellalar. The naavidhan is called ‘Kudimagan’. The Kudimagan’s important works in the conduct of the marriage are to invite all relatives for the marriage, to perform each and every rite of the marriage ceremony along with the arumaikaarar, to recite the ‘mangala vaazhthu’ song and to announce and call the relatives concerned before performing each rite.

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